Dr. Veilleux-Lepage’s research interests include the creation of online narratives and propaganda which fosters or normalizes terrorism; historical antecedents to terrorism; far-right extremism and the transnational links of far-right groups; ideological and technical diffusion, and the application of evolutionary approaches to social sciences.
His doctoral research, which explained the process by which new techniques of political violence appear, transform, spread, and disappear, drawing on insights from evolutionary theory, is the subject of his new book How Terror Evolves: The Emergence and Spread of Terrorist Techniques. Dr. Veilleux-Lepage is also the author of several peer-reviewed articles and reports on the weaponisation of social media, far-right extremism, and tactical innovation.
He has appeared or been cited in national and international media as an expert in his field, including the BBC, CBC, CNN, International Business Times, ITV, La Presse, LBC, Metro News (Sweden), Radio-Canada, Sky News, The Global and Mail, The Guardian, and The National Post.
Dr. Veilleux-Lepage holds a doctorate in International Relations from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. He earned a master’s degree in International Affairs from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (Carleton University) in Ontario, Canada and a bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (Security Studies) from Carleton University. Prior to undertaking his doctoral studies, Dr. Veilleux-Lepage worked as a senior intelligence analyst specializing in international terrorism and emerging threats for the Government of Canada.
Dr Veilleux-Lepage is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, a Senior Research Associate of the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society, and a member of the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague Editorial Board .